Subject: Re: Misc Probs with 1.4.1 and Decstation 5000/200
To: Simon Burge <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/27/1999 21:26:05
In message <>,
Simon Burge writes:
>"Chris Tribo" wrote:
>> px0 at slot 0 offset 0x0 No console raster or X11 support.
It really *means* that. You cant use it as a console and you cant use
it for X11. The only "support" in 1.4.0 and 1.4.1 is that you dont
acutally *have* to pull the card, which you had to do in earlier
versions on at least 3MIN hardware, possibly others.
>The answer is that the px (PMAG-CA) isn't supported in NetBSD 1.4.1.
>You can either run NetBSD-current (I'm working on a snapshot as soon as
>we get an R4000 issue sorted out), or use the kernels and install tools
>in the pub/NetBSD/arch/pmax/1.4px directory on
That's the recommended approach. Apart from PMAG_C support, the
1.4.1px/ snapshot is (if memory serves) otherwise pretty much virgin
-release branch, and it's as supported and stable as 1.4.1.
>I'm not sure about your SCSI problem - the obvious thing to check (as
>always with SCSI) is that you have termination correct. Other than
>that, nothing comes to mind...
And (as always) check the cabling.