, <port-pmax@netbsd.org>
From: Michael Bartosh <bartosh@apple.tamu.edu>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/22/1999 06:59:24
At 7:09 AM -0400 10/22/99, wb2oyc wrote:
> >>paul
> >
> >That's what I meant, I'm fairly sure. My mistake in transcribing (the
> >DECStation is at work, I'm at home)
> >
> >Or do the errors indicate I'm wrong about this?
> >
>OH, ok...I have no idea what the errors are supposed to tell us, but
>maybe you should try 'cnfg' and see what it tells you. It should
>produce a list of devices...and the ethernet will be one of those
>id'd..along with its MAC address..I think that will tell you that its
>at least alive from the cpu's perspective.
Yes, cnfg pops up a standard DEC address- all looks functional from there.
>one thing the errors suggest is this: on mine, if a command is not
>recognized it tells you that...so what you're seeing makes me think
>its having a hard time talking to the interface, if you did type it
>in correctly..but I'm not sure what it does if the keyword is right
>but arguments are not...in any case, I'm sure you got the command
>keyword right....boot...
Anyone have further thoughts?