Subject: Re: help please
To: None <daniel@synchrods.synchrods.COM>
From: maximum entropy <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/21/1999 23:47:15
>Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 20:38:36 -0700 (PDT)
>From: daniel@synchrods.synchrods.COM (Daniel Senderowicz)
>> Try xconsole, or xterm -C
>I tried both. xconsole still screws up the screen, xterm -C works
chmod 4555 /usr/X11R6/bin/xconsole
>> Set xdm=YES in /etc/rc.conf
>This was a disaster. The window came out nicely and when I enter
>the username and passwd it blinked out, and came again prompting
>me, and again and so on. I had to use de middle finger to reset
>the machine! Is there anything that I forget to do?
Sounds like your .xsession file is messed up. Try moving it out of
the way.
You might also need xfs=YES in rc.conf.
>One more thing, how to I set up the system so I can highlight a
>line in a window and copy that into another one?
Double click on the line you want, move to another window, and press
the middle button.