Subject: FWD from Jeffrey Mogul: Re: Question about copyrights on old material
To: None <>
From: Bernhard H. Buckel <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/21/1999 02:33:58
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Dear all,
Well, this looks kind of promising, doesnt't it?
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From: (Jeffrey Mogul)
To: "Bernhard H. Buckel" <>
Subject: Re: Question about copyrights on old material
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 17:26:22 -0700
In article <>, you write:
|> Dear Newsgroup,
|> as you all will know, there is lots of old Digital documentation floating
|> around in the web. Especially, I'd like to know how the copyright issue on
|> these documents is handled... Any pointers to Compaq employees or some
|> knowing website?
|> The reason I'm asking is that we were discussing this issue on the NetBSD
|> port-pmax mailinglist and we'd like to be sure that it is not illegal to
|> provide DEC-produced documentation about the deprecated DECstation models on
|> the NetBSD websites.
|> Regards,
|> Bernhard
|> --
|> Death is God's way of telling you not to be such a wise guy.
If you get me a list of the documents in question (PLEASE be
as specific as possible - part numbers, revision numbers,
dates, and exact titles - and please make the listing as neat
as possible, too) I will try to get someone in authority
to issue a statement.
I was recently able to get approval to release the AlphaServer 2100
technical specs - nobody seemed to have any objections, in fact.
Generally, the powers that be seem more than willing to support
all of the open-source OS efforts.
No promises, though!
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