Subject: Re: Migrating MI-SCSI-Code to pmax/PI-SCSI?
To: Toru Nishimura <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/20/1999 18:45:24
>Michael Hitch discovered the reason why every tape drive access result
>in SCSI timeout errors. It's an integer math overflow of 32bit system
>which cause negative timeout value. NetBSD/pmax has 256HZ hardclock
>which is a higher precision than any other 32bit systems have. Look at
>a single statement in dev/ic/ncr53c9x.c;
> timeout(ncr53c9x_timeout, ecb, (ecb->timeout * hz) / 1000);
>If ecb->timeout (signed int) value was large enough, intermidate
>arithmetic would produce negatives.
>The instant solution is reduce tape operation timeout value. In a file
> #define ST_SPC_TIME (4 * 60 * 60 * 1000) /* 4 hours */
>Timeout after 4 hours looks aweful someshow, let's say '1 hour' for now.
Great news!
Where does this put us vis-a-vis shipping MI scsi for 1.5?
My understanding is that there's two efforts:
a) Nisimura-san's branch which uses MI scsi ncr53c9x.cK
b) michael hitch's code which uses the `old' Mach-derived
asc driver, but interfacing to the MI scsi subsystem
Neither of which addresses the SII in the 2100/3100/5100. So
reworking the SII driver to talk to the MI scsi layer is the main
hurdle. Is that right?
Michael? Want to take on another 4.4BSD-to-scspi rewrite?