Subject: Re: More packages, include postgresql
To: None <>
From: Thomas Graichen <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/17/1999 13:04:20
Simon Burge <> wrote:
> Folks,
> I've put a few more binary packages into pub/NetBSD/packages/1.4.1/pmax,
> including postgresql. This uses semaphores for locking and not spin
> locks, and most pmax CPUs (the R2000 and R3000) can't do spinlocks.
> I can create and delete a database, but that's about all my database
> knowledge. Can someone who has used postgresql before please test it to
> make sure it works ok?
can you please add the patches you used for getting postgresql working
to the pkgsrc tree or post it here or send it to me via email ?
thanks in advance
innominate AG
networking people
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