Subject: Re: 1.4.1 Kernels dont boot and 1.3.3 have no net
To: Philip Tait <>
From: Chris Pitchford <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/15/1999 15:12:27
Hi there
There doesn't appear to be any switch on the transceiver at home although
there is one on on the transceiver attached to my Sparc UPX. What does
this switch do? Also would it only effect the connection once NetBSD has
started. I can boot kernels over the network and I can run DECStation
Linux and telnet into the box. The network card only appears to
malfunction when NetBSD 1.3.x tries to use it. Everything else can see and
use the adapter without problems! I'm wondering if my adapter isn't a
regular one. I appear to have an "out of the ordinary" mainboard BIOS
V5.8f so I wonder if the card has a wierd revision?!
Does anyone out there have any luck with KN02-BA V5.8f BIOS..?? or am I
just unlucky to have an odd machine?
Chris Pitchford <>
On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Philip Tait wrote:
> Chris Pitchford wrote:
> > I do use a 10BaseT UTP network and have a transceiver to convert the
> > interface.
> Check that the "SQE Test" switch on the transceiver is set to ON.
> --
> Philip J. Tait.....AlliedSignal Engines, Phoenix,