Subject: Re: catch 23 upgrading...
To: None <>
From: Aaron J. Grier <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 09/14/1999 22:48:42
On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 09:39:59PM -0600, Greg Oster wrote:
> "Aaron J. Grier" writes:
> > I'm trying to get my 5000/200 back up to running the current -current
> > from 1999-31-03 -current, and I'm stuck in a loop.

With my 5000/240 (running a somewhat later version of -current) I was
able to compile a new kernel for my /200...  But now I'm getting this:

bombadil:/usr/local/src/NetBSD/src/bin/sh$ make depend
yacc -d -d -o arith.c arith.y
lex -8 arith_lex.l
mv lex.yy.c arith_lex.c
sh mkbuiltins shell.h builtins.def /usr/local/src/NetBSD/src/bin/sh
cc -O   -o mkinit mkinit.c
./mkinit alias.c cd.c /usr/local/src/NetBSD/src/bin/sh/bltin/echo.c
error.c eval.c exec.c expand.c histedit.c input.c jobs.c mail.c main.c
memalloc.c miscbltin.c mystring.c options.c parser.c redir.c show.c
trap.c output.c var.c
Can't open z¸PÕ`
*** Error code 2


does this look familiar to anyone?  /usr/local is NFS mounted from my
/240, and the same binary runs fine there.  It's just my /200 that's
causing trouble.

  Aaron J. Grier  | "Not your ordinary poofy goof." |
    "[...] of all the port lists to grumble to about slow CPU speeds and
     other resource limitations, I'd imagine that port-vax is not a very
     good choice :-)"  --  Brian D. Chase