Subject: Re: Problems with a DecStation 3100
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 08/07/1999 23:45:18
Jonathan Stone wrote:

> In message <001101bee079$1c52b6c0$060a40a4@goldengate.hugmynd,
> >"Jean-Paul BINI"  writes:
> >Hello, I'm trying to use NetBSD with an old DecStation 3100
> >But I have problems ...
> hi,
> congratulations, actually, you hve a rather new 3100, as 3100s go.,
> the PROM is one of themost recent releases and can netbot up to 3mbyte
> kernels.

My test mule for install kernels and the like is a "KN01 V7.03" 3100,
that also netboots 3MB kernels ok.  I've never really thought of it
as "modern" tho :-)
