Subject: Re: Boot From ZIP Disk
To: Christian Biache <>
From: Christopher <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/25/1999 12:12:14
Christian Biache wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to boot my /25 from a IOMEGA ZIP 100 drive, I can see
> the drive being accessed but I got the following error message:
> KN02-CA V2.1a
> >> boot "3/rz5/netbsd -a"
> ?IO: 3/rz5/netbsd -a (bb rd)
> I've created the disk with sysinst and when I mount the disk I see
> the kernel and other stuff so it doesn't seem to be corrupted.
> Is there a kind of hardware incompatibility to do this?
I don't think so, because I've done it. I found that it would boot ok,
but after about 10mins things would get a bit weird, followed by a
I made the boot disk by using disklabel, newfs, and then copied across
/bin /etc /sbin /dev etc. And the kernel of course.
Christopher Preston
Chemistry Department, The University of Queensland
St. Lucia, 4072