Subject: Re: NetBSD/pmax 1.4 Xpmax on monochrome DS3100
To: NetBSD/pmax Discussion List <>
From: Paul Mather <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 06/22/1999 15:48:27
On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Andy Doran wrote:
=> Thanks for the report Paul! Sounds like two things are wrong:
=> 1) blackPixel and whitePixel need to be 'allocated' correctly in pmax_io.c.
=> AFAIR this involves something horribly complex along the lines of:
=> blackPixel = 0;
=> whitePixel = 1;
=> 2) pixmap visuals in pmax_init.c need to be trimmed for true 1bpp.
=> This involes opening /dev/fb? and seeing whether it's monochrome,
=> then swiftly closing it off. If it's mono, kill the 8bpp pixmap depth.
=> This is a stupid limitation of DIX.
=> Can somebody handle this - Micheal, Simon? Ugh. I'm starting to really
=> regret pushing hard with development before I left Ireland.
Thanks for the troubleshooting. I only have the binary sets, so is
there any kind soul out there who could make a version of Xpmax with
these fixes added?
BTW, does anyone know where I might obtain a colour framebuffer SIMM for
my DECstation 3100, to replace the monochrome one? I have a working
VRC-16 monitor lying around, which I could presumably use, thereby
allowing me to enjoy X in glorious technicolour!
(Am I right in assuming it is just a matter of changing the SIMM to go
from 1bpp -> 8bpp on the DS3100?)
"I don't live today; maybe tomorrow..."
--- James Marshall Hendrix