Subject: Re: 1.4_ALPHA coming soon
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 04/05/1999 10:17:43
Jonathan Stone wrote:
> hi all,
> I know Simon is building 1.4_ALPHA binaries and should have them out
> today-ish. I'm re-building from scratch from today's sup source, using
> 1.4_ALPHA binaries (from a `make build UPDATE=1' from April 2).
> There's also a pending fix to a memory-pool bug which (AFAIK) isn't in
> the 1.4_ALPHA branch; this can cause problems on low-memory machines,
> so I guess it'll make sense to wait for that before putting up new
> kernels and install images (tho' its really up to Simon).
I'm running 1.4 ALPHA binaries now. The only problem I know of at the
moment is that sysinst doesn't seem to work.
I'll upload the current binaries today so people can upgrade existing