Subject: Re: additional devices...
To: None <>
From: Toru Nishimura <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/25/1999 09:15:40
> I have one of the AV01B (Lo-Fi) boards and the external box (DECaudio)
> that I would be willing to *loan* to someone if they are interested
> in working on support for NetBSD... (I also recently got another of
> the AV-series boards for turbo channel, but the number didn't stick
> with me, so I can't mention it here)...
> I also have a PMAG-D, PMAG-E, PMAG-J, DEFZA and DEFTA that I would
> be willing to loan as well... so long as I get them back...
I'm willing to do work with PMAG-J true color framebuffer. Although
I wrote dev/tc/tfb.c sometime ago, I had no chance to test the code
in field. Please note that DEFTA is a supported device of -current,
and I'm using it with Personal DECstation flawlessly.
Tohru Nishimrua