Subject: Re: Console problem w/ 1.3.3
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 02/06/1999 19:22:45
On Fri, 05 Feb 1999 16:36:28 -0800 Jonathan Stone wrote:
> > One way this can happen (under 1.3.2 or newer) is if you leave entries
> > for /dev/tty{b,d} in /etc/ttys. Even if the ttys are marked `off',
> > the sttyflags early in boot will reset them to `default' state -- 9600,8,none
> > The lk-201/4xx keep talking at 4800, hence the `i's.
> >
> >> Fix: Don't just set ttyb or ttyd in /etc/ttys to off, comment it right tout.
> >That did it. Can this change get pulled into 1.3.4?
> Huh? It's already in 1.3.3, along with a similar change for the dc
> chip ports. At least in the CVS tree, it is. Does the 1.3.3
> distribution have something different? Was this a fresh 1.3.3
> install, or did you upgrade from an earlier version (and resurrect the
> old ttys file?)
> Maybe it should go in the release notes or as an FAQ? (Simon?)
I've added it to the todo for the FAQ. I'll punt on the release notes
for now (too many other things on the go), but they do say merge your
old /etc with the new /etc for an upgrade. Bill was just naughty :-)