Subject: mips3 problem on todays kernel?
To: None <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 01/27/1999 01:26:02
I'm seeing what looks like the same thing Michael Hitch mentioned last
week. (trace below). What's the most recent source from which anyone's
built a mips3 pmax kernel that acutally booted?
trap: address error (load or I-fetch) in kernel mode
status=0x20000002, cause=0x2410, epc=0x8015f83c, vaddr=0x409
pid=0 cmd= usp=0x0 ksp=0x801d9e40
Stopped in at _memset+0x6c: sw t0,0(a3)
db> where
No such command
db> trace
8015f7fc+40 (c0801000,0,38f90,c0801000) ra 801222ac sz 0
_uvm_anon_init+8c (c0801000,0,38f90,c0801000) ra 80125c8c sz 40
80125be4+a8 (c0801000,0,38f90,c0801000) ra c0000000 sz 24
PC 0xc0000000: not in kernel space
__DYNAMIC_LINK+c0000000 (c0801000,0,38f90,c0801000) ra 0 sz 0
User-level: pid 0