Subject: Re: dtop.c-patch
To: None <>
From: Jason Henry Parker <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 12/15/1998 18:19:19
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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On Mon, Dec 14, 1998 at 10:07:40PM +0100, Reinhold Huber wrote:
> The patch from Michael Hitch mentioned above, applied to the NetBSD-1.3.2
> kernel, solves the problem with spurious mouse clicks.
Yes, *very many* thanks to Michael for this patch, my X Ter^W^Wpmax box now
serves X clients wonderfully, even under high load.
> But another problem arose since then: If a control-something combination
> is used, preferably while the machine is loaded, the control key is
> inverted.
> This continues until X-logout (with d instead of ^D or ^L^O^G^O^U^T
> instead of logout :).
Yes, I get this on the console occasionally when X crashes. :( I "solved"
it by diverting the system console to the serial port instead.
|GCS dpu>+ s--:- a-- C++++>$ ULB+++>++++ P++>+++$ L+++$ E+(---) W+(++)|
|N++(+++) o+ K? W--- ?O M(-) ?V PS++>+++ PE Y+ PGP++(+) t+(++) ?5@ |
|X(+)@ ?R tv- b++(+++) DI+++ D(+) G(+) e>++ h+(*) r(+) y+(++)* | C V P T. Next: R or K---+
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