Subject: Packages on a pmax
To: None <>
From: Nick Moffitt <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/09/1998 09:01:34
Well, I'm new to the BSD way, I suppose, but I just set up the
packages on my 5000/25 this morning, and I'm curious about a few
What I did was copy the pkgsrc tree to my hard drive off of
CD2 from the 1.3.2 set that I purchased a while ago, minus the
distfiles directory, which I symlinked over to the distfiles directory
on the mounted CD-ROM drive.
I went into the makefiles and commented out the "PATH +=
foopkg" type stuff that I didn't want (basically SQL, emacs, and audio
stuff. I was looking for a quick savings in drive space).
I made an mk.conf file, but I only changed some of the path
info and changed /usr/pkg to /usr/local.
I just did a make and got on the train for work. Now, I'm
curious whether or not the build process will be smart enough to just
give up on packages that won't compile. I know that some things
aren't supported, so I'm wondering if I'll get home to find that make
exited completely with some error 1 or 2 early in the installation, or
if I'll get home to find a happily compiling machine.
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