Subject: 1.3.3 advance notice...
To: None <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/07/1998 14:06:16
Hi all,

The 1.3.3 release isn't going to be quite as early as we'd thought;
it's still proceeding apace.  As well as the MI fixes, 1.3.3 will
changes for the pmax port which affect the following problems
discussed here recently:

   * The changes to ld.elf_so and libc (available for 1.3.2 as the
     "libc patch kit")  are built in. Perl will Just Work, even
     with -ldl.

   * C++ constructors and destructors work properly, even
     in dynamically-linked objects. (KDE should work now).

   * gdb works properly on dynamically-linked programs.
     (thanks to Michael Hitch.)

   * full in-tree source for binutils 2.8.1, using

   * Supports the SFB with nonstandard clocks (eg., the PMAGB-BB,
     for 1024x896-compatible monitors like the VR-290 or VR-299).

   * The known SCSI problems with the 5000/200 are fixed --  at least,
     the repeatable ones are!

   * Several glitches with sysinst are fixed (including installs
     to disks numbered rz5 or above.)

   * support for "standard" CD-roms with 2048-byte sectoring
      (the PROM still cannot support them as boot devices, but you can
     mount IS09660 filesystem after, or during, installation)

   * support for more QIC-150 SCSI tape drives (Viper, etc)

(Michael Hitch and Simon Burge deserve lots of credit for these.)

My guess is that 1.3.3 will be available in a week or two (rather than
"next week"). I'm mailing this out now just so that anyone
contemplating installs or upgrades knows what to expect ahead of time,
and can make an informed choice about installing 1.3.2 vs. waiting.