Subject: re: UVM failure :(
To: matthew green <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/28/1998 17:33:49
>i booted a UVM kernel (same very -current sources as the non-UVM kernel
>i successfully booted only hours ago) on my /240 and it didn't like me:
>root file system type: ffs
>init: copying out path `/sbin/init' 11
>uvm_anon_add: can not allocate 50999 anons
>panic: uvm_anon_add
>this would have been while swapctl was running ...
Weird. I booted an egcs-complied UVM kernel and got through a kernel
build and a fair way into a `make build' (eg., rebuildling libc).
there are some known problems with PG_CLEAN handling, but i dont see
offhand how they'd cause this.
How much memory did you have in this machine?
>i'll have more details when i look deeper at it.