Subject: Re: Installation problems...
To: None <>
From: Mårten Zimmerman <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/15/1998 20:38:47
>>>>> "HL" == Henrik Laurila <> writes:
HL> KN02-CA V2.0m (PC: 0xbfc00c78, SP: 0x801fffe8) Boot:
HL> 3/rz0/vmunix open(3/rz0/vmunix) failed: 19 Can't boot
HL> '3/rz0/vmunix'
Remove the harddisk and turn the power on again, wait until the prompt
appears and change the boot variable. Put the disk back in, (hopefully
with a diskimage on it) and boot it with 3/rz0/netbsd -s
You tried to boot the former Ultrix kernel that isn't there anymore.
Justice separated from love is revenge
Henry Miller