Subject: Re: Shared-lib update for netbsd/pmax 1.3.2 on
To: Philip Tait <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/07/1998 15:48:07
>Michael may not be able to spell his own name, but he certainly knows
>his compil er/linker options! :-) 'make test' passed with flying
>What is the procedure for getting the updated 'hints/' into
>the Perl distribution? Must it be approved by the NetBSD core before
>submission to the Perl "pumpking"(?) ?
I dont think Core deals with this stuff; the pkg people are more
likely to be interested. For all I know the latest NetBSD pkg for
pmaxes may aliready do this.
a) check with Ross Harvey <>, to see
if this also works on an Alpha. IIRC, it was Ross Harvey
who suggested the export-all options in a message to Arne
Juul. Maybe Ross or Arne has already sent this to the
Perl maintainers.
b) check with the pkg people (,
and see if they've done this and submitted a patch already;
c) if not, go ahead and submit a patch that works for both.
>Thanks to Jonathan and Michael for resolving this problem.
You're welcome. Don't forget Ross and Arne, though!