Subject: Re: Wahaay! I spoke too soon, again.
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/01/1998 13:28:34
On Wed, 30 Sep 1998 14:09:23 -0700 Jonathan Stone wrote:
> From the dhcpd.conf on one of my machines at home, which I've verified
> on a 5000/25 and 5000/20:
> filename "netbsd.ecoff" ;
> # Warning! Some proms (KN02-CA v2.0m PROM) fail to get an IP
> # address if option root-path has a string of >= 16 chars.
> # Use symlinks to keep the root-path <= 15 chars.
> # OK: option root-path "xxxxyyyyzzzzaaa";
> # TOO LONG: option root-path "xxxxyyyyzzzzaaaf";
> # ALSO TOO LONG: option root-path "/export/nfsclient/pmax-root" ;
> # (after doing "ln -s /export/nfsclient/pmax-root /pmax-root")
> option root-path "/pmax-root" ;
> On that machine, 15-char pathnames works, 16-char pathnames don't.
> Maybe it depends on PROM versions?
I always use "/dlboot0/HOSTNAME.root" which only leaves two characters
for the hostname if you count the nul at the end, and I've never had a
problem on a range of machines include a 3100, a /133, a /150, a couple
of /240's and a couple of /260's. The 5100 has never mounted the root
fs, so I can't tell for that one :). So yes, it does look like a PROM
version related problem. Maybe I'll just mention the symptons in the
netboot page (whith a xref in the faq page).
After a quick scan back, I can't actually see the failure mode. What
exactly is it?