Subject: RE: C++ compiler wackyness.
To: '' <>
From: Harald Bjoroy <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 08/13/1998 00:19:05
You are quite right!
I tried a very small test app "mytest.cpp", which defined a class, then
used it.
Straight to segmentation fault.
This test is so small that it can't contain errors, also it builds &
runs immidiately on my i486.
Maybe the compiler must be rebuilt? It would seem like the ++ libraries
are bad?
Would a newer compiler build? (are the compilers implemented without the
use of c++?)
The kernelbuild use no cpp, and that must also be true for the other
packages leading up to compiling moc too. Moc is using c++.
I'll stay tuned!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mjbedy []
> Sent: 13. august 1998 00:03
> To:
> Subject: RE: C++ compiler wackyness.
> Perhaps the type of person that uses an old Decstation tends to be
> the
> type of person that _dosen't_ use c++ :-)
> I have several experiments going right now, none of them too
> sucessful.
> I'll let you know if I get things to work....
> - Mike