Subject: Help with diskless
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Leo Bicknell <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/24/1998 18:58:49
	I finally got back to upgrading my two 1.3.1 to 1.3.2
systems and I decided to do it via a fresh net boot install.
Unfortunately, my first system won't netboot.  Using the stuff
in the 1.3.2 tarballs on I get the following
when I try to boot it:

KN02-CA V2.0m    (PC: 0x800f200c, SP: 0x8002fe28)
>>boot 3/tftp
trap: bus error (load or store) in kernel mode
status=0x80000, cause=0x3000201c, pc=0x800f200c, v=0xfffdffff
usp=0x0 ksp=0x8002fee0
pid=0 cmd=
panic: trap

	I can't find the prom version page, but I don't remember
seeing my systems on it lasttime I checked.  They are both
Personal 5000/20's, the "helper" in this case is a NetBSD 1.3.1
machine.  Here's the config of the machine I'm attempting to

KN02-CA V2.0m    (PC: 0x800f200c, SP: 0x8002fe28)
>>cnfg 3
 3: KN02-CA  DEC      V2.0m    TCF0  ( 40 MB)
                                     (DV -- d=8)
                                     (Sb: devs = 0)
            Name       Rev.       Vendor

                                     (FDI: 1)
                                     (enet: 08-00-2b-2d-86-42)
                                     (SCSI = 7)
            DEV   PID                VID        REV    SCSI DEV
            ===== ================== ========== ====== ========
            rz2   RZ25     (C) DEC   DEC        0A00   DIR

        dcache( 64 KB), icache( 64 KB)
        mem( 0):  a0000000:a0ffffff  ( 16 MB)
        mem( 1):  a1000000:a1ffffff  ( 16 MB)
        mem( B):  a2000000:a27fffff  (  8 MB)

	Any ideas?

Leo Bicknell -
Systems Engineer - Internetworking Engineer - CCIE 3440
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