Subject: Re: Adding Disk Drives to NetBSD
To: Marcel Chukwunenye <>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 06/26/1998 09:16:23
On Thu, 25 Jun 1998 15:40:24 EDT  Marcel Chukwunenye wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I would like to add a 2.1GB drives to my NetBSD systems.
> How can I format and partition the drive under NetBSD?
> I am working with version 1.3.2. on a DEC 5000/200 and 
> DEC 5000/240 systems.

If you just want to use the entire drive as one large partition, just
newfs the whole drive:

	newfs /dev/rrzXc

which X is the SCSI id of the new disk.  Note that you make have to make
the device entries in /dev for the disk.  If you, type:

	cd /dev

again, where X is the SCSI id of the disk.

Anything more fancy will involve playing around with the disklabel
command.  There are some examples of how to use the command in the man
