Subject: Re: mindless boredom, speed and compiling kernels
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Toru Nishimura <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 05/20/1998 09:43:55
In article <> wrote
> I loaded a copy of /usr/src/sys onto a local disk on the same machine,
> and re-run the tests (sans the -j 10 compile).
> ... snip ...
> The average saving by going to local disk was in the order of 30
> to 40 seconds, or about 2% (if the mental math is correct).
Thank you for clear feedbacks. I have to recheck why my case had
hideous throughput. (busy network, sluggissh NFS server)
By the way, I'm occationally experiencing process lockup symptoms with
parallel kernel make. GCCs just stop with flag D and there is no way
to kill them. I tracked down the symptoms were related with directory
lookups, specifically around /usr/src/sys, which are accessed heavily
and concurrently during parallel kernel make. Simon, have you ever
experienced such, or never?
Tohru Nishimura
Nara Institute of Science and Technology