Subject: Re: Memorybroblems... not!
To: Kim G. S. OEyhus <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 04/29/1998 00:30:08
[spray-cooling plus CPU heatsink fixes problem]
I'm glad it worked. I hope it survives long enough to be worth the trouble.
>The debugging of the core dumps did not give me any usable information
>as to what causes the fault. gdb did not gave me any useful information
>as to what happened, or where the code was. Maybe I could have found it
>if I used a couple more evenings, but my time is limited. I got the
>impression that gdb on pmax/MIPS is somewhat weak...
It's quite good for static binaries, less so for dynamically-linked
binaries. I think Michael Hitch has patches for that. (if memory
serves, they put some functionality that was ifdef'ed out for ELF on
mips, but I could easily be wrong). Maybe we could get them in the
tree and pulled up for 1.3.2, since its a frequent complaint.
Michael? Care to comment?