Subject: Re: ncftp?
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Matthew Schnierle <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 04/19/1998 19:16:32
On Sun, 19 Apr 1998, Jonathan Stone wrote:
> >(I can't upgrade, 'cause I want to see how long this machine will stay
> >up without a reboot... It's celebrating it's 100 day uptime today... :)
> I think the record on a 3100 is over 400 days...
I had a 5000/120 up to almost 300 days, and then the fscking university
scheduled a power outage. Gave me an excuse to upgrade to 1.3.
-Matthew Schnierle
-Member, Programmers Local 1036--AFL-CPIO.
-Join the fight.