Subject: Re: Memory?
To: David Evans <>
From: Kim G. S. \yhus <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 04/17/1998 09:17:14
> Kim G. S. \yhus wrote:
> > I have successfully installed NetBSD pmax 1.3.1 on my DecStation 3100.
>   Congrats!

Thank you. Now, if I only could use it to compile my programs...

> > However, primes crashes, gcc get internal errors, and gzip often
> > fail decompressing, and ftp often gives faulty transfer. All sufficiently
> > big systems fail.
>   Yeah, my 3100 dies mysteriously as well.  It panics occasionally (usually
> right before starting sh when booting single-user) with an error that I don't
> have handy at the moment (something like "ktlbmiss").  I haven't
> investigated yet, though.

Hmmm. That could be a memory problem too. Perhaps some of the gurus could
make a kernel that reported memory errors on the console? Just so we
know what the problem is. It would be even better if it printed the
address, or memory bank, so the faulty memory could be removed.
And, how do one change kernels on pmax anyway? I tried changing
"/netbsd", from 1.2 to 1.3, but that stopped booting altogether.

It could of course be interesting to make the memory correcting system
work, but it is the chicken and egg problem: no chichen & no egg,
can't compile, probably because of faulty memory, and therefore
can't check if it is a memory problem, or make kernel errordetecting.
