Subject: Re: keyboard docs sort of available
To: None <>
From: Warner Losh <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/22/1998 23:48:07
In message <> Dan McMahill writes:
: I have made a web page which tries to document the LK201 keyboard
: interface. Its probably far along enough for others to look at, but
: I am still working on it and the page will continue to grow/change
: for a few more days.
: The page is at:
Would you be interested in someone who has the complete DEC Rainbow
100 and 100B doc set to take a gander at that set to see what it says
about the keyboard? I know that at least the raw scan codes are
listed there.
BTW, how hard would it be to connect an LK201 up to a serial port and
use it as a keyboard on a PC(i386)? Well, assuming that you have a
driver for it and don't mind the keyboard missing errors. I have a
laptop that has a serial port, but no keyboard/mouse port that I'd
like to have some kind of serial keyboard that is larger and easier to
type on than its current tiny keyboard.