Subject: re: Maybe a stupid question about SCSI.
To: Terry R. Friedrichsen <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/11/1998 14:55:49
> I can't remember whether or not the 5000/200 has the
> 50-pin or 64-pin connector.
>64. I collected the DEC-supplied cables for a while because flat *nobody*
>had 'em, but now I've got several more cables than I do 5000/200s - I'm
>*still* trying to puzzle out how that occurred :-).
Nope, it's 50-pin. Check the DEC postscript docs or a handy 5000/200.
Only the pmin/pmax (2100/3100) used the 64-bit connector; and
perhaps the 5100 as well. (ive never' seen one).
It's very similiar to the external wide connectors used with wide SCSI
or UltraSCSI. The big difference is, it's the other gender.
There may also be cabling differences, I havent bothered with a
continuty-tester what with the mechanical difference.