Subject: Re: beta install
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 12/09/1997 20:24:41
>I grabbed a copy of the diskimage to install on an "empty" pmax. After
>hanging the disk off an old 1.2G installation, I do the following:
> disklabel -W /dev/rrz1c
>Which seems to work. When I try to dd the diskimage by
> gunzip -c diskimage.gz | dd of=/dev/rrz1c bs=10240
>dd fails with something like
> /dev/rrz1c: read-only file system
>or something along those lines.
>Disk in question is a previously labeled rz58. Am I missing something
>brutally obvious?
It depends how old your 1.2G kernel is. If it's really old, the
disklabel gets marked unwritable as soon as the open-count for that
parititon goes back to zero. This is a (mis)Feature in the disk
driver that dates back to 4.4BSD.
The standard work-around is (from a shell with job control):
dd if=/dev/rrz1c of=/dev/null bs=10240 count=10240
<suspend, stopping the dd in progress with /dev/rrz1c open>
then do the disklabel -W and dd.