Subject: more installation notes suggestions
To: Terry R. Friedrichsen <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 12/04/1997 15:58:02
In various messaegs, "Terry R. Friedrichsen"
<> writes:
[lots of trouble with setting up sysinst]
hi Terry,
Thanks very much for the feedback. The things you ran into are the
kinds of errors and oversights I tend to correct without thinking
about. Finding these is exactly what the BETA is for; thanks!
>a) in the first paragraph (under "Upgrade via diskimage."), the word
> "booting" is missing the 'b'
>b) at step 2, you should also mount /usr, since you'll need it to
> find gunzip
>c) while you're at it, you might as well also remount / to make it
> writeable so you can copy the kernel to it
>d) the gunzip command in step 2 should read
> gunzip -c diskimage.gz | dd of=/dev/rrzXb bs=10240
> (or more simply, use gzcat in lieu of "gunzip -c")
Hm. I left this as-is because the diskimage doesn't have links for
gzcat. Some plausible `helper' systems often don't have it, either,
and it's easier to just keep the suggested command lines the same.
>e) in step 7, you might want to label the dialog more clearly as an
> example using rz2 in place of rzX
>No, you're not being very stupid at all! "TERM=pmax" is indeed the ticket,
>*not* "set TERM=pmax".
>Another note for the installation NOTES file.
>sysinst is running now ...
Oops. sh versus csh. Fixed.
>Yet another NOTES installation procedure change: the root file system
>needs to be remounted to make it writeable before running sysinst.
I've tried to add this to the NOTES file. I think it would actually be
better done in each of the separate boot-setup descriptions.
Needs more thought. (Simon?)
Another idea is to add code to check that /etc/ and tmp/ are writable
before starting an upgrade or install. Hmm.
>(In actual truth, I wish there was a way to tell sysinst to just use the
>partitioning that's already on the disk.
Yes, so do i.
>OTOH, when sysinst is running
>solidly, you won't have to go through the partitioning stuff more than
>once, so maybe it's OK this way.)
>To cure this, the root filesystem needs to be remounted to make it write-
>able before running sysinst, as noted above.
I've updated the NOTES file. Would you mind fetching it, reading it,
and checking that these are addressesd in a way that makes sense to
you? thanks very much.
>Now to try to install from locally-available filesets ...
Uh, oh. That menu entry really means ``find some unmounted filesystem,
mount it, and look in it for distribution sets.''
It's there sos omeone someone pre-downloads install sets onto, say, an
DOS machine they're setting up for dual-boot, can mount and use those
sets from a local filesystem.
I've added code to look for a local, already-mounted directory to my
own tree. It won't make it out into a new snapshot till the weekend
at this rate, though.