Subject: Re: Installation woes on DS5000/125
To: None <>
From: maximum entropy <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/19/1997 02:49:21
>From: "Armistead, Jason" <>
>and got the results I posted. Saying 1.2G is "no longer supported"
>still doesn't explain why it doesn't work on my RZ23 (but since my
>posting I've tried an RZ25 and it seems to be bootable - now to see what
>I can do). That kind of implies it NEVER worked. Since "Maximum
>entropy" posted a recent (12th Nov) message saying he was having trouble
>with RZ23 on 2100 machines, I'd say there is some inherent problem
I think you misunderstood my message. RZ23 drives work fine. The
problem I had was not that the RZ23 didn't work. I had tried booting
from an RZ23 and then using sysinst to install a full system over that
same RZ23. That didn't work (and I didn't expect it to work). The
fact that it was an RZ23 is probably irrelevant -- that same disk is
working fine in the same machine now that it's up and running.
There are in fact some reported SCSI problems with the latest
snapshot, but the problems you're reporting don't have anything to do
with those problems.
entropy -- it's not just a good idea, it's the second law.