Subject: Re: xfs yet again...
To: Jonathan Stone <>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/17/1997 12:42:43
I've just finished installing NetBSD on a 3100 around here (on just a
RZ23L! - I had to nfs mount /usr/X11R6), and I've now got my first ever
headed pmax machine.
(As a side node, sysinst needs "fudging" to print reasonable partition
sizes for a small disk - maybe just 32MB swap and the rest root? I'll
look at the more later).
The only things I have changed after the install is the X server line in
Xservers to:
:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X -fp tcp/localhost:7100
and a few symlinks in xdm-config to point to /var (/usr/X11R6 is mounted
I'm seeing the same behaviour as others have noted. Xdm starts up the X
server (I'm using Xcfbpmax), and the X server just sits there and chews
up cpu:
basil# ps auxww | egrep '(X)11'
root 207 99.0 3.2 1124 700 ?? Rs 4:08PM 6:29.11 /usr/X11R6/bin/X -fp tcp/localhost:7100 (Xcfbpmax)
If I kill the X server (I need to kill -KILL, -HUP and -TERM don't
work), xdm starts up a new X server and this one works fine. Also,
if I set the font path to a fontserver running on an Ultrix machine,
everything's fine first time up. If I turn xfs and xdm off in rc.conf,
and start them manually things are fine too (this fits with the
behaviour that maximum entropy has seen).
I'll see if adding the deamon() lib call early on in xfs helps - it's
probably a bit of a bug that it needs the '&' in /etc/rc to backgroud
it anyway...
Jonathan - the Xcomp distribution seems to be missing some header files.
I just checked out xc/programs/xfs and tried to build it, and the first
file it complained about was Xtrans.h (which lives in xc/lib/xtrans).