Subject: Re: Still no rz1...
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Jeffrey D. McMahill <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/15/1997 01:40:46
> Jeffrey, what happens if you powercycle the 3100 and the drive
> completely? Does that help? If not, I gues we'll have to look at
> building a kernel with debugging compiled in.
Powercycling has no effect...
> Or can you compile and test a patched rz driver locally from your 1.2G
> system? If so, the first thing is to change rz.c to print out the
> result of rz_getsize(). It's only called once, should be easy to
> find....
Well, I finally dug up enough disk space to compile a kernel,
and added some printf's to rz.c. Its not even getting as far
as rz_getsize(). It seems to be failing at the if statement starting
on line 457 of rz.c in rzprobe():
if (biowait(&sc->sc_buf) ||
(i = sizeof(inqbuf) - sc->sc_buf.b_resid) < 5)
goto bad;
In this case, sizeof(inqbuf) == sc->sc_buf.b_resid == 1068, so
the second part of the test is true. (biowait() is returning 0)
Any ideas?