Subject: Re: Query: 3100 graphics-console cursor patch and X11?
To: maximum entropy <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/14/1997 04:08:12
Maximum entropy writes:
>>>First an unrelated problem: if I start xfs automatically (xfs=YES
>>>/etc/rc.conf), the system freezes when I start X. If I start xfs
>>>manually (xfs &) right before starting X, it works just fine.
>>Is this still a problem? I tried config'ing
>on a 5000/150 and booted it. It worked fine for me.
>>Note that I did *not* set xdm=YES. I only set xfs=YES. I then
>>rebooted, logged in, and ran startx. (I had modified startx to add
>>"-fp tcp/localhost:7100" to the server options. That worked fine with
>xfs started manually via "xfs &" on the command line.)
OK. I was asking because I've always used XDM, and I expect it to
work. That would narrow down the problem.
I'm wondering if xfs is fine, and the problem is really in startx or
xinit, or their config scripts, or some such.
Uh, you *do* have the latest /etc/rc script with the lines to actually
start xfs, don't you? I put a copy in the 1.3_ALPHA diskimage and
etc.tar.gz but it only showed up in sup today...