Subject: Re: DECstation 3100 fans too loud...
To: None <>
From: David Burren <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/12/1997 11:12:15
>> Any suggestions? The fans are currently loud enough that
>> I don't really want to leave the box on -- the noise is
>> annoying even in the next room.
> Are you sure they're rivets? Maybe you have to go in from the inside.
> Rivets just don't sound "DECish". Well if they are, drill 'em out (Dremel).
Yes they are rivets. Standard for BA42 boxes such as the DS3100, at least...
> Sounds like the bearings are going bad in the fans.
Either that, or there's something intruding into the fan path.
It could even be the fan core that's split, causing the blades to hit
the frame (I've seen this on several DECservers and DECrepeaters).
Anyway, the most likely result is that at least one of the fans is due
for replacement. There are two fans in the power supply. You can
disconnect each of them from the PCB independently (although I'd be
_very_ cautious about running on only one fan for any length of time!).
Sounds like you've probably got a small job ahead of you with a drill.
Just be careful not to drill too far and screw up the cables...
> Hmm, Get friendly with the dead equipment guy at work.
> Some of these dudes have whole closets of pmax parts :)
Note that the power supply from any BA42 box will do (eg. VAXstation
3100, SZ12 Storage Expansion).
Certainly dropping in a new power supply while you repair the spare
makes life easier...
Good luck
David Burren