Subject: supping NetBSD
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Terry R. Friedrichsen <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 08/21/1997 14:54:53
Could somebody please take pity on me and explain how to get
started with periodic supping of sources? I grabbed the source
tarballs and exploded them, built sup, and am cautiously trying
to get started with nightly updates using the sup file example
given in README.sup
However, "sup -vkf" always tells me it's gonna go grab *everything*.
How do I get it to pay attention to the fact that I already *have*
a fairly recent copy of the sources and just want the new stuff?
Do I need to fake it out with a "when" file? Is some other trick
involved? Did I just not read the man page carefully enough?
Clues requeted, by the dozen!
Terry R. Friedrichsen