Subject: Re: perl?
To: D. Sean Davidson <>
From: Tracy J. Di Marco White <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 08/14/1997 16:29:24
}If you build perl with the static versions of modf.o and rename.o from
}libc.a, perl5.004_02 will pass all tests.
}Here is a static config that works fine.
}sh Configure -des \
} -Uusedl \
} -Ud_dlopen \
} -Ud_dlerror \
} -Ddlsrc='dl_none.xs' \
} -Dso='none' \
} -Ddlext='none' \
} -Dldflags='-static' \
Using this configuration information, I compiled perl and ran the tests,
and everything worked fine. Thanks for the help!
Tracy J. Di Marco White