Subject: Re: swap woes
To: None <>
From: maximum entropy <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/21/1997 16:22:09
>From: "Matthew Schnierle" <>
>I just upgraded to the latest snapshot. Seems that
>swapon -a
>gives me the following
>swapon: /dev/rz3b: Device not configured
>Nothing has changed in /etc/fstab:
>/dev/rz3a / ffs rw 0 1
>/dev/rz3b none swap sw 0 0
>/dev/rz0a /var ffs rw 0 2
>/dev/rz0g /usr ffs rw 0 2
>/dev/rz3d /usr/local ffs rw 0 2
>/dev/rz0b /home ffs rw 0 2
>Am I missing something really obvious?
First, you shouldn't be using swapon at all, it is deprecated.
Upgrade your /etc to get the new rc scripts, which calls swapctl
Second, the cause of the symptoms you're seeing is probably that the
disklabel for rz3 doesn't have partition b marked as a swap partition.
entropy -- it's not just a good idea, it's the second law.
This message may refer to a product containing software developed by
Christopher G. Demetriou for the NetBSD Project.