Subject: [x]emacs unex on mips ?
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Thomas Graichen <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/14/1997 09:42:06
did anyone here get any further with undumping emacs or xemacs on any
of the platforms using the *BSD/mips binary format ? - i found an onl
unexelfmips.c from ted mellon - but it looks like it is a bit old and
it results in a memory fault then emacs is trying to dump :-( ... also
someone here (erik berthelsen ?) has done some "experiments" with
getting emacs working ... any positive reports i don't know about ?
thanks in advance
thomas graichen -
perfection is reached, not when there is no longer anything to add, but when
there is no longer anything to take away antoine de saint-exupery