Subject: Re: NetBSD/pmax installation
To: Gregory McGarry <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/12/1997 05:06:52
Gregory McGarry <> writes:
>Tohru Nishimura wrote:
>> I learned MAXINE can not complete netboot procedure with video
>> console. (Jonathan already has some guess of the cause). So, you
>> have to use serial console hooked up MAXINE serial port for TFTPboot.
>I can verify this. I don't have a serial console either. Is this the
>next logical problem in the NetBSD/pmax installation procedure?
Acutally, it would help a **lot** if someone who has a Personal
Decstation already set up to boot locally, and with access to a second
machine on the same nework, could build a GENERIC test kernel,
netbooting it, and seeing
what's happening here.
Add four debugging printfs to sys/arch/pmax/dev/dtop.c:dtopKBDGetc().
One right after the label "again:" and one inside the body of each of
the three nested ifs in dtopKBDGEtc().
Something like this. Only be prepared for lots of output, or none
at all :).
*** dtop.c Sun Jun 22 04:39:42 1997
--- /tmp/dtop.c Sat Jul 12 05:03:16 1997
*** 629,634 ****
--- 629,636 ----
dtop = dtop_cd.cd_devs[0];
+ /*DEBUG*/printf("\n dtopGetc: looping, ");
c = -1;
*** 639,652 ****
--- 641,660 ----
dtop_message msg;
struct dtop_ds *ds;
+ /*DEBUG*/ printf("dtopGetc: RX_AVAIL, ");
if (dtop_get_packet(dtop, &msg) >= 0) {
+ /*DEBUG*/ printf("RX_get_packet OK, ");
ds = &dtop->device[DTOP_DEVICE_NO(msg.src_address)];
if (ds->handler == dtop_keyboard_handler) {
c = dtop_keyboard_handler(
&ds->status, &msg,
+ /*DEBUG*/ printf("dtop_keyboard_handler returns %d\n", c);
if (c > 0) return c;