Subject: tftp boot
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Gregory McGarry <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/05/1997 16:34:53
I get the following error during a tftp boot of the
nfsnetbsd.ecoff kernel on a DS5000/25:
844736+41600?IO: 3/tftp, a.out err (-5)
during the boot command
>> boot 3/tftp/nfsnetbsd.ecoff
The same error happens with netbsd.ecoff.
It is distinct to the error obtained when trying to
boot netbsd.elf:
IO: 3/tftp, a.out err (-2)
Is this information useful?:
bootpd: info(6): bootptab mtime: Sat Jul 5 16:18:58 1997
bootpd: info(6): reading "/etc/bootptab"
bootpd: info(6): read 3 entries (2 hosts) from "/etc/bootptab"
bootpd: info(6): recvd pkt from IP addr
bootpd: info(6): bootptab mtime: Sat Jul 5 16:18:58 1997
bootpd: info(6): request from IP addr
bootpd: info(6): found (decstation1)
bootpd: info(6): bootfile="/tftpboot/nfsnetbsd.ecoff"
bootpd: info(6): vendor magic field is
bootpd: info(6): sending reply (with RFC1048 options)
Any ideas?
Gregory McGarry
Signal Processing Research Centre
School of Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering
Queensland University of Technology, Australia