Subject: Re: SCSI performance tuning on 5000/{125,133}, 5000/25
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Takuya Koumoto <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 04/16/1997 14:40:21
> I recompiled 1.2D NetBSD/pmax from 1997-4-14 tar_files, and tried it
> with DS5000/25. The result is fine. With recent stock snapshot kernel
> (seems compiled at 1997-3-15 PST), typical iozone performance was;
> 337542 bytes/second for writing the file
> 1154310 bytes/second for reading the file
> And with recompiled 1.2D;
> 1313840 bytes/second for writing the file
> 1223685 bytes/second for reading the file
> I had no time to measure old NetBSD/pmax (prior to asic_*.c split in
> kernel tree) I/O performance this time.
These results are derived from an old RZ25(400MB). I think
1.2MB/sec is the maximum transfer ratio of RZ25. If you have
recent version of fast hard drives, then you will get better
performance. :-)