Subject: emacs dump
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jeff Senn <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 04/07/1997 14:48:28
Has anyone built an emacs on the 3/16 snapshot? Or, to get to the
point, has someone fixed the 'unexec' code given the current
tool chain etc ?
Unless I'm doing something wrong, I'm pretty sure that unexelf.c is
wrong and (my hacked version of) unexelfmips.c is not generating the
correct sections...
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Jeff Senn 412-488-2900 voice MAYA Design Group /|/| |-/ o | /-|
Sys.Engr./Director 412-488-2940 fax 2100 Wharton Street / | | |/ |/ |
Engineering Group Pittsburgh, PA 15203 Taming Complexity