Subject: Re: Xcfbpmax on DS5000/25 - problem with mouse pointer
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 04/03/1997 11:18:14
On Apr 3, 8:42am, Thomas Seidmann wrote:
> problems with the behaviour of the mouse on the 5000/25. First, there is a
> part of the screen (approximately the right 1/5), which can't be reached
> by the pointer. Second, while having more than one window on the desktop,
This appears to be a bug in the cursor position routine for the 5000/xx
display. The ims332PosCursor() procedure in pmax/devs/ims332.c compares the
x position against the framebuffer height and the y position against the
framebuffer width. I think the x position is the horizontal position and
needs to be compared with the framebuffer width (and y compared with the
fb height). I made this change on my kernel and I am now able to position
the cursor to any position on the screen.
Michael L. Hitch INTERNET:
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University Bozeman, MT USA