Subject: Xcfbpmax on DS5000/25 - problem with mouse pointer
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Thomas Seidmann <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 04/03/1997 08:42:41
perhaps there is someone who could help me with the following problem: I'm
running NetBSD 1.2 on a couple of DECStations 5000/25. The same Xcfbpmax,
which works without a single problem on a 5000/200 and 3100, causes huge
problems with the behaviour of the mouse on the 5000/25. First, there is a
part of the screen (approximately the right 1/5), which can't be reached
by the pointer. Second, while having more than one window on the desktop,
mouse motions cause unpredictable effects, for example selection in one
window, focus changes etc. which should be all fired by pressing a mouse
button (which never happened). Any clue? TIA.