Subject: Re: DS3100 kernel clashes -- Re: updated snapshot on
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/09/1997 20:09:05
On Mar 10, 10:01am, Toru Nishimura wrote:
> Just to report my case;
> Although I don't have any PMAX other than several MAXINE (DS5000/25),
> I have never experienced kernel troubles with stock NetBSD/pmax
> (formal releases and snapshots) since NetBSD/1.1.
> > Now I'm having another problem: Though it works generally, for some
> > reason or another, my DECstation 3100 (KN01, Version 7.0, with two RZ55
> > disks, CFB, 24M), crashes when it's doing something - anything,
> > randomly. It just sits there, frozen. No panic message, no savecore
> > dump. I haven't been able to compile a kernel since it would crash in
> > the middle somewhere and I'd have to restart compiling from the
> > beginning (is this normal??? Do I have hardware trouble?)
The 3100 has a complete different SCSI interface than the 5000 machines.
It's quite possible that the SCSI driver for the 3100 may still have a
bug or two. It's been a while since I've worked on the 3100 SCSI driver,
and I haven't used the 3100 much since then, so I'm not certain how well
it works. I've been using a 5000/25 for most of my development work
(and hope to be able to move it to a 5000/50 before too long).
If I get a chance, I can move my two RZ56 drives over to the 3100 and
run with it a while to see if the driver still works.
Michael L. Hitch INTERNET:
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University Bozeman, MT USA