Subject: Re: New shared-lib snapshot available
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/05/1997 19:46:47
On Mar  4, 10:28pm, Jonathan Stone wrote:
> Sean Davidson writes:
> >The only things missing form me in NetBSD/pmax is the dlopen, dlcose, dlsym
> >routines for program control of loading shared libraries, R4000 support so
> >I can put my R4000 cpu in my DECstation 5000/125, and and X11R6 X server.
> Work on the r4000 support is in progress; Michael Hitch has a 5000/50
> booting to single-user mode and running programs, albeit with the
> caches disabled.  There is still some locore work to do to eliminate
> the double-mapped kernel stack.

  I haven't had much luck yet getting it to work with cached memory.

  I've been fighting the changes getting things to work with Toru's patches
(which should help in getting rid of the double mapped kernel stack) and just
now got a kernel to boot to single user mode.  It doesn't do as well as
the previous running kernel did - I just got a kernel stack overflow.
Toru's changes removed some debugging code, which I may need to add back
before I can figure out what is going on.  It's rather slow going at time,
particularly when I'm trying to work remotely and the machine hangs.  Then
I have to run up to my office and cycle power on the 5000/50.


Michael L. Hitch			INTERNET:
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University	Bozeman, MT	USA